One size fits all, one size fits most, or one size fits none?

As I wrote in my previous post Enabling Digital Transformation, Digital Transaction Management is often seen as the one-size-fits-all solution to the digitalization of business transactions and to the enablement of digital transformation.

We all know the story of clothing manufactures and the class action lawsuits that occurred by groups of consumer who came together on a united front to say One size does not fit me!.  One-size-fits-most was the sequel that forced you to make a decision. Chances are, if you have to think “will this fit me?” , that one-size-fits-most is not for you. And this how we came to one-size-fits-none.

DTM, like Ford model T, was born in one model and one color. But in the new millennium you want to select your preferred model, size and color. You want a solution to perfectly fit your needs; you don’t want to adapt your needs to the solution provided. From this perspective, there are a number of features you should look at when evaluating a DTM solution:

  • The specific context and use case; what documents have to be signed; what is the degree of digital literacy of the signer; what country or countries are you in; are you in shop, remote or mobile? These are all questions whose answer can dramatically change the proposed solution.
  • What kind of e-signature you are looking for and what is the legal strength you expect. This may vary by country and is influenced by the type of document to be signed.
  •  What user experience do you want you have. Would you like the user to sign with a pen on a tablet, to use a local client, to simply click to sign or to enter credentials for a digital certificate?
  • Finally, how do you need the solution to be deployed? Do you want it on the cloud (public or private), fully on premises or a hybrid solution is the right model?

I will look in depth at the points above over the next few weeks.