Integrity, accountability, ethics and corporate cybersecurity
Integrity, accountability, ethics, and cybersecurity are the four pillars on which our Group stands and which help make us transparent and trustworthy to our customers, suppliers, employees, and various stakeholders.

Business Integrity
By adopting our Business Integrity Policy we have committed ourselves to conducting all our business in a legal and ethical manner and in accordance with the highest standards of business integrity. Our Business Integrity Policy aims to prevent business practices deemed unacceptable, such as corruption.

Corporate responsibility – Model 231
Namirial has adopted its Model 231 and appointed a Supervisory Board with powers of initiative and control to comply with regulatory provisions and promote a culture oriented toward ethics, fairness and transparency.

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics of the Namirial Group defines the values and principles of behavior that must be respected, in the performance of its activities, by the corporate bodies and all persons who at any level operate, collaborate or have consulting or business relations with the Group (members of corporate bodies, employees, collaborators, consultants, stakeholders).

The Whistleblowing Policy regulates the process of sending, receiving and managing reports from anyone, even in confidential or anonymous form, concerning violations, even suspected violations, of the Code of Ethics, the 231 Model, laws, acts having the force of law or applicable regulations, as well as Namirial Group policies and procedures.
Communication channels:
– Whistleblowing” digital platform
– ordinary paper mail, to the attention of the Whistleblowing Committee of NAMIRIAL S.p.A. at Via Caduti sul Lavoro 4, 60019, Senigallia (AN);
– direct meeting with the Whistleblowing Committee to be requested by e-mail whistleblowing@ethics.namirial.com or directly.

The Anticorruption Policy outlines the general principles and rules of conduct to be followed in the performance of activities, the prohibited behaviours and the safeguards identified by the Company to mitigate the risk of corruption. The policy applies to all those who collaborate professionally with Namirial, as well as to any other person, wherever located, who acts, in any capacity, in the name and/or on behalf of the Company, within the limits of their duties and responsibilities.

Data Security
The Namirial Group has issued a Cyber Security Statement to provide customers, suppliers and partners with detailed information on the security practices adopted in its subsidiaries and investee companies and how the information and data processed is handled, in compliance with all applicable regulations and the highest industry standards.

Content Integrity Policy
All content and information visible on the namirial.com website is the result of elaboration, writing and verification work, carried out by an internal Namirial Group team, composed of professionals who are experts in communication and knowledgeable about the topics covered.