A woman captures her handwritten signature using a pad

Digitally captured signature

Collect digital signatures in presence and with a natural gesture with Namirial digitally captured signature

Digitally captured signature

A digitally captured signature allows a document to be signed electronically with the classic gesture of a handwritten signature on paper. The biometric data of the signer is uniquely associated with the signed document.

A man with digital pen and signature pad signs a document

A digitally captured signature is a special type of advanced electronic signature (FEA) that can be used to legally sign a computer document. The signature is done through a kit consisting of an electronic tablet equipped with a stylus and software installed on the tablet.

As the signer performs the natural signing gesture, the software detects his or her biometric data (rhythm of the graphic hand stroke, speed of the signing action, pressure applied, accelerations and decelerations, and aerial movements associated with each part of the stroke) by associating them inextricably with the signed electronic document.

Using the stylus and graphics tablet, electronic signing of the computer document is done quickly and with a simple gesture, quite similar to the traditional handwritten signature made using pen and paper. 

To digitally sign electronic deeds and documents

To accept clauses and express consents in electronic mode

Our solution for digitally captured signature

Namirial’s digitally captured signature fits every scenario. In addition to signatures collected in physical kiosks, with a web viewer and add-ons it allows you to have biometric data on the web with the addition of native clients for Android/iOS/Windows tablets. It can be signed from the smartphone, reducing hardware costs. Our products handle PAdES, CAdES and XAdES signatures and local and remote digital certificates, including automated ones.

Specific software helps forensic experts in analyzing graphometric signatures, enabling them to verify document integrity, extract biometric data, and evaluate the digitally captured signature. Additional components enable real-time signature verification. Through APIs, our products integrate into the pre-existing enterprise infrastructure. 

All the advantages of our solution

Natural signature experience

A digitally captured signature is simple and provides the signer with the same experience as a pen-and-paper signature.

No authentication required

In most cases, Namirial digitally captured signature does not require a separate authentication step.

Validity to legal proof

The forensic expert can use the recorded biometric data to attest to the origin of a signature.

Reading and signing together

With the right hardware, the signer can be allowed to read and sign the document on a single device.

Environmental protection

The use of digitally captured signature reduces paper use and helps protect the environment.

Lower business costs

With digitally captured signature, companies reduce costs associated with paper and physical storage of documents.

Successful business woman in a city scenery

Use cases


  • Leasing and credit agreements
  • After-sales service and internal use


  • Issuing consents and underwriting policies
  • Financial contracts with personalized advice on tablets


  • Leasing and credit agreements
  • Consent collection and acceptance of over-the-counter transactions


  • Electronic medical prescriptions
  • Patient consent collection

Government and Public Administration

  • Law enforcement document underwriting