Access exclusive contents of “Experian Hub Digital Edition”, the Hub Conference supported by Namirial

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Namirial supports Experian Hub, an innovative ecosystem that aims to create innovation, accelerate digitization and foster sustainability in the world of credit, thanks to the collaboration with established and innovative fintech companies.

The “Experian Hub: Inclusive Credit Ecosystem” meeting aims to be a moment of discussion on the hot topics of the world of credit to promote the ecosystem logic necessary for the birth of a more inclusive society. With this in mind, the representatives of the major Italian companies in the financial sector will meet to share experiences and visions on the evolution of the banking market during the three Round Tables:

  • Acquisition of new customers through Digital Onboarding and Instant Lending solutions
  • Monitoring the risk of fraud in the digital experience: new challenges and opportunities
  • Value creation and risk management of the customer base.

The program will also be enriched by the scientific contribution of the Digital Innovation Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic.

Starting from 18 April, all the contents of the Round Tables and the exclusive interviews with the market players will be published in a Reserved Area of the “Experian Hub Digital Edition” web portal. To access you need to register

All contents are available only in Italian.


Event hashtag: #ExperianHub