Meet Namirial at LSZ Innovation Summit Banking Insurance 2023

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The LSZ Innovation Summit Banking Insurance (ISBI) is one of the most important events for the digitization of processes in banks and insurance companies in Austria. At this summit of the financial industry, CDOs, CTOs, CIOs, Directors for digitization, innovations and IT, heads of specialist departments and managers for processes and sales meet for an interdisciplinary exchange on current challenges.

The European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament are currently discussing the revision of EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS). The legislative text is to be finalized in the fall. In parallel, the Large Scale Pilot (LSP) projects have begun.

Starting in 2024, EU member states are to make it mandatory to provide a wallet for digital identities, in which they can link their national digital identity with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driver’s license, degree certificates, bank account, etc.).

For Austrian banks and insurance companies, the revision presents a number of opportunities and challenges. The identification of customers will be simplified across Europe on the basis of common framework conditions. Thus, the onboarding of customers from abroad will become much easier. At the same time, competition on the Austrian market will intensify. Work on the technical details, standards and best practices for provision of attributes and functionality of the wallet is currently underway.

  • Klaus Fellner, Managing Director of Namirial GmbH, will shed light on the opportunities and challenges for Austria’s banks and insurance companies in the session “The European Digital Identities are Coming” on September 26 at 11:55 am.

However, this is still a vision of the future. Today, the banks need solutions with which they can reduce their costs as immediately as possible and survive in competition. In the course of the pandemic, solutions for individual use cases were quickly integrated in some, which now turn out to be isolated solutions and sometimes also have compliance problems. More and more banks are therefore relying on Namirial’s processor orchestration solution for their highly regulated use cases, which includes legitimation, signature, secure document delivery and archiving, also at the qualified level.

  • On 26 September at 2 p.m. in the workshop “Designing digital processes for identification and signature future-proof (eIDAS 2.0 ready)”, Klaus Fellner will give concrete tips from practice for optimising processes for customer identification and the integration of electronic signatures. He will shed light on the technical, legal and security-related aspects and go into detail on how and when the new opportunities in the course of the eIDAS revision can probably be used.

Attendees at the Summit will be able to talk in detail with signature and workflow experts Klaus Fellner, Sebastian Weninger and Andreas van der Linden at the Namirial stand on 26 and 27 September about regulatory, technical and organisational aspects of using electronic signatures and how to quickly achieve a very high level of acceptance and use for the various processes among customers and employees.

Event hashtag: #ISBI23