Meet Namirial at Future-Law Digital E-Signature Day 2023

Event website

Future-Law’s “E-Signature Day” is addressing stakeholders in the legal, human resources and sales departments in enterprises and public administration on how they can use electronic signatures or how to further optimize and expand their applications.

In a series of sessions, lawyers, providers and users will provide information on how to quickly and easily sign without paper. This involves numerous practical questions in detail.

Klaus Fellner, Managing Director of Namirial Austria, has been supporting the introduction and optimisation of the use of electronic signatures in companies in Austria and worldwide for more than a decade. His customers include Allianz, Daimler and the Raiffeisen Group. 

At the Future-Law E-Signature Day 2023, Klaus Fellner will once again share his expertise in the session “Electronic Signature – Tips from Practice” – on the following topics, among others:

  • How to identify your requirements for your e-signature project 
  • Mastering the balancing act between user-friendliness and high evidential value  
  • European electronic identity for process optimization in e-signatures
  • Use of accounts for A-Trust Handysignatur or other trust service providers in signature workflows
  • Fully automated ident procedures for FES and QES without having to wait for an agent
  • Consent forms – alternative to e-signature: Clickwrap 
  • Evidentiary delivery of messages across multiple channels  
  • Best practice examples for e-signature integration from Austria 2023

The Namirial team is also available for individual consultation during and after the event.

📺 Recordings of last two editions of Future Law E-Signature Days (in German language)


▶ ️ “Electronic Signature – Tips from Practice”:

  • Best practice examples for the integration of e-signature from Austria. 
  • Mastering the balancing act between user-friendliness and high evidential value  
  • Integration of Auto-Ident / Selfie Ident procedures – especially with QES
  • Integrating the certificates of different trust service providers into signature processes
  • Recognising and successfully replacing isolated solutions for e-signatures
  • Cross-border signing with contractual partners outside the European Union
  • Electronic signature in interaction with digital identities in Europe

The organizer Future-Law is Austria’s leading independent platform for legal tech and digitization in the legal sector.

This event series is held in German language. 

Event hashtags: #ESignaturTag2023 #ESignatureDay2023 #ESignaturTag #FutureLaw #Signaturtag