Meet Namirial at HR Tech Software & Innovation Online

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The HR Tech Software & Innovation Online HR Services & Staffing Industry Expo is aimed exclusively at decision-makers in the temporary staffing, staffing and personnel services industry. The online event focuses on HR Software, Payroll, Time & Attendance, Learning Technologies, Talent Management Tools and Recruiting Technologies. 

Numerous recruitment companies and HR departments in Germany and worldwide have integrated signature workflow solutions from Namirial into their digital processes. Employers and employees use them to sign employment contracts, declarations on data protection, confidentiality, bonus agreements, consents to addenda to existing employment contracts and copyright, as well as documents for social security and pension insurance, among other things. Companies save paper, postage and time and benefit from streamlined workflows and risk less errors. 

Namirial also supports highly regulated use cases such as the signing of fixed-term employment contracts in the context of employee leasing according to Temporary Employment Act § 12 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1. As a provider of qualified trust services according to EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services, eIDAS, Namirial can provide the necessary certificates for signing with qualified electronic signatures (QES). In doing so, they benefit from a broader selection of user-friendly and innovative procedures for establishing identities than can be offered to date by trust services headquartered in Germany for regulatory reasons. 

The virtual conference will also address developments in the legal framework and court rulings for digital processes. Habib Bejaoui and Jörg Lenz will address various aspects in their presentation “Electronic signature in HR – For which processes may be signed and how in 2023?” on September 25, starting at 3:30 pm CEST. The two speakers will shed light on what needs to be taken into account when electronically signing employment contracts due to the version of the Verification Act that has been in force since August 2022, and what concrete recommendations leading experts in employment law give their clients for legally compliant digital signing.

Best practice examples will also be presented. The focus will be on recently approved procedures for Self-Ident using artificial intelligence to provide electronic certificates. They enable digital signing with qualified electronic signatures to be made even easier, faster and more cost-effective – without compromising the legal validity and evidential value of signed documents.  

As a sponsor of HR Tech Software & Innovation Online, Namirial Germany is making it possible to attend the event free of charge.

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Event hashtag: #HRTechOnline