Meet Namirial at TeleTrusT / VOI Signature Day 2023

Event website 

The annual information day “Electronic Signature and Trust Services” (abbreviated: Signature Day) of associations TeleTrusT and VOI has been showcasing the wide range of procedures and applications for electronic signing since 2010. It’s considered to be the most important event reflecting the state of esignature adoption in Germany.  

The Signature Day is uniquely bringing together representatives from business, research, administration and politics. Among them are mathematicians, computer scientists, lawyers, business economists and representatives of trade media. Participants are exchanging their views in a dialogue that is both critical and constructive, collecting impulses and suggestions for their respective work throughout the day.

The 2023 Information Day focus on developments surrounding the revision of EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS), which also provides the legal framework for the use of electronic signatures in all 27 EU states.One of the goals is to provide EU citizens with wallets for digital identities. They should be able to link their national digital identity with proof of other personal attributes (e.g. driving license, diplomas, bank account, etc.). To this end, the intention is to create a neutral, cross-application ecosystem for the interaction of digital identity identification and management providers with established providers of qualified trust services, such as Namirial. It is also envisaged that a range of new qualified and non-qualified trust services will be established, for example to attest to the aforementioned attributes. 

Work on the technical details, standards, and best practices for providing attributes and functions of the Wallet is well underway. In September 2023, the trilogue between the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament is expected to be in a hot phase. The aim is to adopt the new regulation by the end of 2023. In parallel to the work on the regulation by the lawyers, work is being done on a reference implementation of the wallets and large-scale pilot projects (“Large Scale Pilots”) have been launched. 

Within Germany, it is hoped that the increased use of trust services will be boosted by initiatives aimed at increasing the use of electronic identity on the ID card, including initiatives for a smart eID, which makes it possible to use selected smartphones with a secure element or eSIM for identification instead of the ID card. In public administration, the Online Access Act Amendment Act is intended to pave the way for more intensive use of trust services, for example for the application of qualified electronic seals, and to abolish regulations for written forms that are considered outdated.

The information day on electronic signatures and trust services will shed light on the current status of all these developments, identify where and why things are getting stuck in some places, and provide an outlook on what developments can be expected in 2023/24 and when.

From recent Signature Days, PDF files of the following presentations of project reports on the integration of Namirial electronic signature solutions in German language can be downloaded from the organizer’s website:

📥 Electronic Signature in Human Resources – What may be signed for and how in 2022? – presented at the Signature Day 2022 by Jörg Lenz, Namirial

📥 Remote signature simplifies the electronic waste verification procedure eANV – presented at Signature Day 2020 by Alexander Marschall, Business Development & Innovations, Axians eWaste

📥 Online mediation and arbitration based on trust services – presented at Signature Day 2019 by Ulrich Emmert, esb Rechtsanwälte and Jörg Lenz, Namirial 

The Namirial team is looking forward to inspiring discussions on the signature day. We are happy to inform about

  • Success factors of successful signature digitization projects
  • Procedure for legally binding electronic signatures, depending on their application
  • Integrate trusted identification and signer authentication into workflow, both in indirect and in direct contact
  • Integration of trust services into own system landscape
  • Pros and cons to signature services in the cloud

The event is held in German language. 


Event hashtags: #Signaturtag2023 #Signaturtag23 #Signaturtag