Namirial participates in the final conference 2023 of the Digital Identity Observatory

Namirial will be present at the final conference of the Digital Identity Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, which will be held in Milan on 28 November, from 9.30 to 13.00, at the Aula Magna Carassa e Dadda of the Bovisa campus. Participation in the conference is free after the registration, and can be visited also online, following the streaming from the observatory’s page dedicated to the conference .

During the conference, entitled “Digital identity: all roads lead to the wallet”, the results of the Observatory’s 2023 Research on the topic of digital identity will be presented. The conference will be an opportunity to deepen the key issues of digital identity, understand the state of the art and the main directions of evolution of the market, through the involvement of Italian and international guests.

The research aims to understand how digital identity evolves globally; how widespread digital identities are in Italy and in the international context and what transformations will affect SPID and CIE in the process of integration with the IT Wallet; what is the propensity of Italians to use new digital identity wallets and what opportunities may arise from the Eudi Wallet.

As in previous editions, this year Namirial took part in the work carried out by the observatory. In addition, the company will participate in the conference to present the results as a sponsoring partner and with its own speech.

Luigi Enrico TomasiniProcess Innovation, Compliance, ESG and Vertical Solutions Director at Namirial will, in fact, be one of the speakers at the round table entitled “What roads will lead us to the wallet?”, scheduled at 10:50 am. During the meeting, moderated by the directors of the Digital Identity Observatory Luca Gastaldi and Valeria Portale, the main representatives of the sector will discuss the expected market developments at an international level.

Event website