Meet Swiss Life and Namirial in the LSZ CIO Grid Talk

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The online event series LSZ CIO Grid Talk is more than a usual webinar: It offers space for exchanging best practices and knowledge about technical, business and legal aspects of digital transformation projects. Questions and suggestions can be submitted in advance. The speakers will also be available for questions during the session itself.

Thomas Konik, Digital Product & Innovation Manager Swiss Life Select Austria, will explain together with Stefan Weninger, Enterprise Account Executive Namirial, how Swiss Life has mastered the challenges in the digitalisation of processes requiring signatures. 

The integration of Namirial’s solutions for generating electronic signatures at Swiss Life will be presented. It will be shown how Swiss Life is now in a position to have documents signed both in personal contact and online, and thus despite geographical distance, and how Swiss Life’s customers can be identified easily and securely in accordance with the law. 

Among other things, the

  • The advantages Swiss Life enjoys through the use of Namirial’s trust services, including digital signatures. 
  • Procedures for identifying persons for the ad hoc provision of certificates for the creation of qualified electronic signatures
  • Implementation examples from Swiss Life’s sales process

This event is held in German language. 


Event hashtags: #CIOGridTalk