Meet Namirial at the Bankingclub Conference “INNOVATIONforBANKS”

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The traditional conference “INNOVATIONSforBANKS” of the Bankingclub is considered one of the leading events of the German banking scene for many years and has a reputation as an excellent networking event. Here, decision-makers exchange views on current challenges in technology, organization and regulation and get inspiration for new projects. 

For the first time, the conference will focus on e-signatures. The “Signature Day”, previously held by the Banking Club as an independent event, has been integrated into the INNOVATIONforBANKS conference. As part of this thematic focus, Carolin Bloch and Uwe Anders will present a project report on the electronic signature in the omnichannel of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe on October 17, 2023. In the digital signature platform of Finanz Informatik, numerous procedures for electronic signing have been integrated by the trust service provider Namirial in recent years. Carolin Bloch and Uwe Anders highlight some of the procedures and present in particular the application of the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) for credit processes in the branches and in online sales. The Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe is the largest financial services provider in Europe. 

The Bankingclub is one of the largest business clubs for employees in the banking and finance industry in German-speaking countries with over 3000 members. At the “INNOVATIONforBANKS” conference, Klaus Fellner, Managing Director of Namirial GmbH and Bankingclub member, will be among onsite for individual consultations on regulatory, technical and organizational aspects of using electronic signatures.  

The legal framework for the use of electronic signatures is provided by EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS). The conference will also discuss the European Commission’s plans for a far-reaching revision. 

From 2024, EU member states are to make it mandatory to provide a wallet for digital identities in which they can link their national digital identity with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driver’s license, degree certificates, bank account, etc.). This could simplify numerous processes in banking, especially for new customers (customer onboarding). Work is currently underway on the technical details, standards and best practices for providing attributes and functionality to the wallet. Namirial, together with others, is active in one of the Large Scale Pilots (LSP) for the application of a digital wallet for European digital identities (European Digital Wallet, EUDIW),
News about Namirial’s involvement in the POTENTIAL consortium

However, these are still dreams of the future. Today’s banks need solutions that will enable them to reduce their costs as quickly as possible and remain competitive. This is particularly true for traditional retail banks with their cost-intensive branch network. At the same time, presence in all channels is one of the great strengths of this type of credit institution. Retail banks need omnichannel solutions. As a result, more and more institutions are turning to Namirial’s processor orchestration solution for their highly regulated use cases, which includes legitimation, signature, secure document delivery and archiving, including at the qualified level. Namirial’s experts will provide individual advice at the conference on which solutions can be deployed now and in the future.

Participants can learn about the following topics, among others:

  • Integration of the e-signature into existing process and system landscapes
  • Consideration of options for deployment in the cloud or in the company’s own data center
  • Integration of identification verification processes and digital identities
  • Simplifying processes without compromising their evidentiary value

Hashtags of the event: #Bankingclub #InnovationsforBanks