Zenjob accelerates online completion of employment contracts for student jobs

Pioneering usage of remote identification and electronic signature powered by trust services from identity trust management and Namirial

Berlin / Duesseldorf / Senigallia – September 3rd, 2019 – Rapid response to fluctuations in staffing needs is one of the key requirements for modern, flexible HR management. At the same time, more and more employees are interested in engaging in attractive projects and not just seeking permanent employment. Temporary staffing services are enabling companies to respond to peaks in demand, compensate for employee downtime, and ultimately leverage their potential for productivity. Many companies face an urgent demand for temporary staffing at short notice. In order to fill vacancies as soon as possible processes contract temporary workers must enable easy ad hoc engagements.


Zenjob is part of the new generation of digital DNA recruitment services for quick and easy provision of student workforce. The service provider was founded in 2015. Zenjob’s goal is to be recognized as the provider of best available temporary employees in the shortest time frame, with minimum effort.

The Zenjob-App is enabling students to find jobs they can also start on the next morning. In order to accomplish this Zenjob provides a solution to sign legally binding work contracts digitally. On average, Zenjob is currently providing more than 10,000 part-time employees every month, especially to companies in the retail, hospitality, logistics and event organizers.

As a service provider for temporary employment, Zenjob must have these employment contracts signed in writing to comply with German Temporary Employment Act AÜG § 12 section (1), sentence 1. However, contrary to common belief, this does not imply contracts have to be signed on paper. In 2017, Zenjob was pioneering to have working contracts signed paperless based on qualified electronic certificates in accordance with EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS. These kind of certificates enable to create qualified electronic signatures which are suitable to replace the written form with an electronic form in accordance with German Civil Code BGB § section 126 (3), Technically Zenjob is using so-called remote signatures, a method requiring no additional hardware to create certificate-based signatures. Qualified electronic certificates are hosted remotely in a Hardware Security Module (HSM) of a trust service provider, contrary to old-fashioned concepts where certificates reside locally on smart cards. 


For provision of a qualified electronic certificate, signers must be identified according to a predefined procedure that also verifies the authenticity of presented identity documents. Zenjob is using identity Trust Management’s certified video identification process enabling real-time online identification. Students are relieved from the hassle of visiting post offices or other places for physical in-person identification. The service is available around the clock, requiring only a few minutes for identification by video chat.

As a pioneer in the digital signing of temporary employment contracts, Zenjob is constantly striving to accelerate her processes. In May 2019 the most recent simplification was to significantly minimize the amount of interactions required to generate a signature, thanks to using certificates provided by Namirial, an eIDAS qualified trust service provider headquartered in Italy. As part of the Digital Single Market, Namirial can also issue and administer qualified certificates for the creation of qualified electronic signatures for persons in Germany. Documents signed with these certificates have the same legal effect as documents signed based on certificates provided by German trust services.


Using trust service providers based in some other EU countries, e.g. Italy, comes with several advantages, compared to using certificates from German trust services. It allows Zenjob to create more user-friendly processes. National supervisory bodies in some EU countries enable their trust service providers to use additional methods to identify and authenticate certificate holders compared to currently stricter regulation in German. In using Namirial trust services, operating under Italian supervision, Zenjob was able to minimize the number of interactions required to sign. Signers are authenticated via provision of transaction number (TAN) sent by Namirial to the mobile phone number of the signatory via SMS. This process is equivalent to authorizations of online banking transactions. Moreover, creating a user account with a trust service provider is also not required in the Namirial process.


The procedure proves itself as best in practice; “With Namirial, employment contracts can be signed digitally with just a few clicks. This not only benefits the employees, but also the companies: The electronic signature generates cost advantages, reduces the administrative effort and vacancies can be replenished faster. We expect to have 80 percent of Zenjob contracts signed digitally by the end of the year, “said Frederik Fahning, co-founder and CEO of Zenjob.


For the particularly mobile target group of students, easy and fast conclusion of employment contracts anywhere, anytime is an important aspect to select Zenjob as preferred staffing service provider. Combining video identification and qualified electronic signatures, Zenjob is not only speeding up the contracting with a fully compliant paperless processes but is also saving expenses on expensive courier services.


About Zenjob

Zenjob (www.zenjob.de) is a technology-oriented human resources service company, which leaves student temporary workers to companies. Through the Zenjob app, students find and book jobs on an hourly basis, flexibly deciding when, where and for whom they work. As part of temporary staffing, more than 10,000 students are employed each month in sectors such as logistics, events, retail and gastronomy. The company’s more than 1,100 customers include Karstadt, Vapiano and Mercure Hotels. Zenjob was founded by Fritz Trott, Cihan Aksakal and Frederik Fahning in Berlin in 2015 and currently employs 220 people. The service is also available in Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Dusseldorf, Cologne and Bonn

Access www.zenjob.com for additional information


Contact for media 

Ina Necker 

Manager Corporate Communications & PR Zenjob GmbH


Tel +49-1579-2362390


About identity Trust Management 

identity Trust Management AG is offering its customers tailor-made, secure, law-compliant and privacy-compliant services for identity verification (Know Your Customer, KYC) of natural and legal persons in accordance with EU Regulation eIDAS, European Anti Money Laundering Directive, AMLD) and corresponding transposition into national law, German Telecommunications Act and German De-Mail Act. Customers of identity Trust Management AG can select from a variety of variants for identification in direct and indirect contact – via video, Giro, eID, auto-ID, De-Mail, shop and courier. They benefit from significantly higher conversion rates as well as cost-effective and legally compliant completely digital processes.

Access www.identity.tm for additional information


Contact for media 

Johannes Meerloo

COO & Board Member identity Trust Management AG


Tel +49-211-68773333


About Namirial  

Namirial is a multinational provider of information technology and, among other things, certified as a qualified provider of trust services under EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS.

The provision of solutions for trusted digital transaction management is Namirial’s core business. These solutions aggregated in a unique platform include applications for identifying and authenticating users, workflows for orchestrating signatures, providing certificates for generating electronic signatures and seals, procedures for long-term archiving, procedures for electronic invoices, and electronic delivery services. Namirial thus supports both the digitization of companies in the private sector and public administration. Together with its international network of over 120 partners, Namirial is serving over one million customers worldwide.

The company was founded in 2000 at its current headquarters in Senigallia, Italy. Namirial now has 20 locations in five countries and currently employs 430 people. The youngest subsidiary is Namirial Germany, founded in 2018 and based in Herrenberg near Stuttgart.

Access www.namirial.com for additional information


Contact for media 

Jörg Lenz

Director Global Marketing & Communication Namirial


Tel +49-174-2409299