Namirial Remote Video Identification accredited for integration in Romania

(BUCHAREST / SENIGALLIA) – 9 February 2023 – Namirial has been accredited as a provider of services for remote video identification according to guidelines set by the Authority for the Digitisation of Romania. Thanks to this accreditation Namirial is enabled to remotely identify persons by means of video in Romania. 

The Namirial solution for remote video identification is part of Namirial’s portfolio for identity proofing. The solution is used by organizations in both the private sector and the public administration sector supporting a wide range of regulated use cases including digital onboarding and provisioning of qualified electronic certificates for qualified electronic signatures. 

The rules regarding the regulation, recognition, approval or acceptance of the remote person identification procedure using video means are based on the Decision of the President of ADR no. 564/2021, published in the Official Gazette of Romania with number 1119 of November 24, 2021. 

Romanian authorities are strongly encouraging organizations to consider remote identification options in order to reduce fraud and to become more efficient and enable Romanian companies to operate more on an international scale. 

Until early February 2023 nine companies had been accredited by Romanian authorities to provide administration of electronic records with Namirial being the latest addition to the list. 

The latest version of the list of third parties to verify the identity of the person at a distance using video means, including listing of Namirial’s Romanian subsidiary Namirial Srl, can be accessed on the website of the Authority for the Digitisation of Romania (Autoritatea pentru Digitalizarea României, ADR), a structure with legal personality within the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation, in the section “Lista terţilor de verificare a identităţii persoanei la distanţă utilizând mijloace video” 

🔗 Autoritatea pentru Digitalizarea României: Identificare la distanță prin mijloace video

About Namirial  

Namirial is accredited as a provider of qualified trust services according to the EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS and significantly supports the digitalisation of processes in both private business and public administration. Namirial’s customers simplify their processes, benefit from greater efficiency and shorten their turnaround times. The company offers solutions for software-as-a-service (SaaS) in a public and a private cloud, as well as for operation in its own data center.  

Together with its international network of over 150 strategic partners, Namirial serves over three million customers worldwide and processes several million transactions daily. Namirial was founded in 2000 in Senigallia, Italy, and today has offices in 18 countries with 820 employees.

About Namirial in Romania 

Namirial Srl, based in Bucharest and headed by Managing Director Adrian Dinculescu, has been a subsidiary of Namirial S.p.A. since the end of 2015. Namirial’s portfolio is continuously adapted to the specific needs of the Romanian market. An experienced team from Bucharest looks after the rapidly growing number of customers, partners and interested parties in Romania. Customers in Romania include Banca Transilvania, BCR, BRD Société Générale, Orange and Raiffeisen Bank. 

To learn more follow Namirial on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, contact Namirial to schedule a demo or claim a free trial of Namirial eSignature solution eSignAnyWhere.

Media contact 

Jörg Lenz
Head of Marketing and Communication
Phone +49-174-2409299