Namirial empowering trusted digital transformation

Almost 20 years ago Enrico Giacomelli and Claudio Gabellini started a small venture aimed to digitize business processes. Unlike many other founders with a similar vision Enrico and Claudio managed to grow their company Namirial into one of the global top solution providers in this segment. Today the list of Namirial customers is reading like a who is who in banking, insurance, telecommunication and many industries. Companies like Allianz, Daimler and FCA Bank standardized globally on Namirial solutions.

Namirial is living proof that Italian design is not only popular in fashion or architecture but also in IT when creating compelling digital business processes.

”Since we have started our business back in 2000 we have a design philosophy which is working pretty well. We are striving to make simplicity meet with trustworthiness in everything we do,” states Claudio Gabellini. “Our whole business is built on trust and providing solutions easy to use without compromising compliance and making users confident in moving away from paper. Our success is based on an evolutionary approach to digital transformation rather than a disruptive one.”

Privacy and security are quintessential for Namirial business. The company has been repeatedly certified as a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) according to EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS and to comply with international standards for information security.

Today 430 employees are working for Namirial in 20 offices in five countries – Italy, Austria, Germany, Romania and Brazil.

Enrico Giacomelli explains: “Our teams consist of a great mix of seasoned experts and highly skilled innovative juniors. Moreover, we are benefiting from a vibrant network of committed partners, specializing in their geographies and industries.”

Most recent addition to Namirial partner network is Serban Biometrics from Spain. This alliance is a response to rising demand for Namirial solutions from Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. Currently Namirial solutions are used in more than 50 countries on all continents.

Major line of Namirial global business is Digital Transaction Management. This business unit is encompassing various trust services for identification, authentication, electronic signature, electronic invoicing and long-time archiving. It also includes a popular signature orchestration platform, supporting complex workflows and requirements. Leading analysts categorize Namirial as a leadering digital transaction management for several years in a row.

Other Namirial businesses units include software, services and solutions for cyber defense, telemedicine, building and construction, human resources management and integrated management systems.

As of October 2019, Namirial is serving more than one million organizations of all sizes, large operating enterprises as well as small and medium businesses. Namirial customers execute more than one billion transactions per year for which more than 500 million electronic signatures are generated.

Enrico Giacomelli explains: “Compared to several other EU member states, including large ones like Germany, Italy is much more advanced in digitization in public and private sector. So, we already have some much higher numbers in e-signature usage and we see them growing faster than elsewhere. Italy is clearly an e-Signature hot spot. Our large corporate customers welcome our experience in process design and our sound understanding of operational, legal, technological and human factors to go digital with their processes.”

Claudio Gabellini adds: “We also know that our German and Austrian friends envy digital services we enjoy in Italy for a while like online mitigation, of course powered by Namirial. We are assisting them in designing and implementing such services across the Alps. We also see excellent adoption of our services in Romania where we are leading the e-signature provider in banking and insurance. Thanks to our partners, Namirial solutions become increasingly popular in many other countries too.”

Italy is also on the forefront of digitizing invoice processing: In 2019 electronic invoices became mandatory in many more cases beyond Business-to-Government (B2G). This is not just propelling Namirial business nationally, it also is providing Namirial with opportunities to provide solutions in other countries adopting electronic invoicing in 2020 and beyond.

Moreover, Namirial is exploring in close collaboration with its partners services based on blockchain, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. Asked for their personal motto both Namirial founders and owners agree it is “The best is yet to come.