Namirial confirmed again as leader in Digital Transaction Management

Aragon Research Globe™ positions Namirial in Leader Category in Sixth Consecutive Year

(PALO ALTO / SENIGALLIA) – March 3, 2022 – Namirial, a leading supplier in trusted software and services to automate and digitally transform business processes, has been announced once more as a leader in the Aragon Research Globe™ for Digital Transaction Management, 2022

Namirial is positioned in the leader category of the Digital Transaction Management (DTM) Globe report for the sixth year in a row, evaluated based on completeness of strategy and performance. Namirial is noted for being successful in adding new technological capabilities and broadening its market coverage in recent months also documented in recent acquisitions on Netheos in France and Evicertia in Spain.

Aragon identified the Digital Transaction Management market in 2014, and since that time, it has grown significantly, with a focus on the process of taking paper-based document transactions and making them digital, including the electronic or digital signature process. Aragon defines Digital Transaction Management as “a category of primarily cloud-based software and services used to digitally manage a wide range of document-centric business processes involving people, documents, data, and transactions both inside and outside the firewall. Digital Transaction Management encompasses identification, authentication, e-signatures, security, and asset management including secure long-term archiving” (see Aragon Business and IT Glossary). 

According to the 2022 report, “Digital Transaction Management has become a key factor behind the success that enterprises have seen during the COVID era. Paperless transactions are the way that business gets done – and Digital Transaction Management providers have been a key reason for enterprise success during this time.”  

Within the report, Aragon Research examines the complete capabilities of the Namirial Digital Transaction Management platform to eliminate paper. Digital identity remains an issue related to customer and employee onboarding and Namirial’s recent acquisition of Netheos is a big move in this field. The acquisition of Netheos has also added strong capabilities in content Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the Namirial portfolio and speeding up remote identification processes in digital onboarding use cases, fulfilling KYC requirements.

The Aragon Research Globe for Digital Transaction Management 2022 report identifies and evaluates 20 major technology vendors Aragon views as key to enabling enterprises to manage their digital transactions. The report is segmented into four sectors (leaders, contenders, innovators and specialists), representing high and low on both product and service performance as well as strategy dimensions.

“At Namirial, we recognize the challenges of business leaders to digitally transform their transaction management processes, identifying the best mix making simplicity meeting compliance. Meeting the complex requirements and ideally overachieving user expectations in omnichannel digital onboarding remains one of the most challenging use cases and we have made significant investments in 2021 to support our customers in this area.” said Namirial CEO Max Pellegrini. “We appreciate being recognized for broadening our capabilities and market coverage and named a Leader with expanded breadth and depth in our digital trust services portfolio. As Jim Lundy mentions in his report the next major challenge sits in an efficient take on digital identity. That’s why we engage in the initiatives of shaping the legal and technical framework for European Digital Identity and its interplay with trust services these days.”  

About Namirial

Namirial supports customers in their digital transformation journey by providing solutions for trusted digital transaction management. Namirial digital trust services encompass solutions for customer onboarding, agreement automation, signature workflow orchestration, identification, multi-factor authentication, electronic signature, electronic registered delivery, long-term archive and electronic invoice.

Namirial is certified as a qualified trust service provider under EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS, accelerating digitization of the private sector and public administration. Together with its international network of over 120 partners, Namirial is serving over one million customers in more than 75 countries. The company was founded in 2000 in Senigallia, Italy. Namirial along with its subsidiaries Netheos and Evicertia are operating today in 20 locations in 11 countries, employing more than 600 people, processing several millions of transactions every day.

To learn more, visit, follow Namirial on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebookcontact Namirial to schedule a demo or claim a free trial of Namirial eSignature solution eSignAnyWhere.

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Aragon Research is an independent research and advisory firm providing business and IT executives with the actionable insights they need to navigate technology’s ever-evolving impact on business.  Aragon Research delivers high-impact visual research, consulting, and advisory services to provide enterprises the insight they need to make better technology and strategy decisions. 

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1 Aragon Research “The Aragon Research Globe™ for Digital Transaction Management, 2022” by Jim Lundy, March 2022.