Namirial announces the release of LiveID & eSignAnyWhere to streamline sales & CRM processes in all industries on digital & “phygital” channels

LliveId eSign AnyWhere

The solution, based on the Inventia 3.5 platform, is at the sweet spot of Digital Transaction Management and Customer Engagement technologies and will be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Feb 27th – March 2nd 2017.

Senigallia, Feb 23rd 2017 – Namirial announces today the release of  LiveID & eSignAnyWhere, the first multichannel WebRTC Customer Engagement solution designed to move Sales or CRM processes to digital channels, with the same inperson experience, and to allow the execution of legally binding contracts in a chatbox system.

The solution, easy to integrate in every legacy environment, includes text and video chat multichannel engagement, video CRM, live video identification, electronic signature and electronic payments, all integrated into a chatbox.

LiveID & eSignAnyWhere will enable companies in any industry to simplify the way business gets done by transforming slow, complex, costly,  manual paper-based processes into frictionless and adaptable digital ones. The solution can be deployed as a SaaS, in private cloud or on-premises.

Thanks to LiveID& eSignAnyWhere, Customer on-boarding and Know Your Customer processes can go fully digital, with the capability to verify user identity, in real time, by video chat and to sign legally binding contracts online.

We are announcing a unique solution today – notes Antonio Taurisano, Namirial Director of Digital Transaction Management – based on Namirial eSignAnyWhere platform integrated with Inventias technology. The solution allows customer engagement and contract execution using all types of eIDAS compliant electronic signatures, with a simple, intuitive and operator assisted user experience in all channels. We already have several customers interested in this solution all over Europe and we are now exploring the US market”.

We are excited to provide our technology to Namirial – says Andrea Cinelli, Inventia CEO – The solution makes the customer engagement and contract closing process so simple and effective that we estimate a 10x reduction of sales acquisition cost, a 5x improvement in conversions and a 6x improvement in customer satisfaction.

The product will be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Feb 27th March 2nd 2017 where Namirial and Inventia will be in Hall 1 Stand 1E5

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About Namirial

Namirial is a Software and Service Company and a Trust Service Provider, that offers Trust Services like e-signature, time stamping, registered e-mail, e-invoicing and digital archiving to more than 1.000.000 customers. Namirial has installed more than 400.000 seats of its handwritten biometric signature SW and processes several million of transactions every day.

About Inventia

Founded in 2012 in Italy, Inventia is a leading B2B2C Independent Software Vendor providing the most complete Omnichannel Digital Sales Automation & Customer Engagement solution to manage End to End customer relationship blending Live Chat features (text/audio/video) with business process capabilities to deliver best in class Customer Experience.