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Rapoarte de proiect
Electronic Signatures at Zug Police
In his presentation, Michael Rudolf from the Zug Police, supported by Andreas van der Linden and Jörg Lenz from Namirial and Michael Zanoni from the Glaux Group, presents the successful implementation of an electronic signature process for police case processing since 2021. The combination of regulated electronic signatures and biometric data from the hand signature…
Very pragmatic: eIDAS instruments in use today and tomorrow
Klaus Fellner and Jörg Lenz from Namirial speak at the bitkom eIDAS Summit 2024 about the following topics, among others: The presentation is held in German. Enter the password to access the recording. If you don’t know the password, please fill out the form below to receive it by email.
Making digital processes for identification and signature future-proof (eIDAS 2….
Klaus Fellner, Managing Director of Namirial Austria, will speak at the Future-Law Signature Day 2024 on the following topics, among others: The presentation is held in German. Enter the password to access the recording. If you don’t know the password, please fill out the form below to receive it by email.
Webinar la Cerere despre Adoptarea semnăturii electronice – feat. Allianz
Webinar la Cerere despre Adoptarea semnăturii electronice – feat. Allianz Accesați webinarul pentru a afla: Arhitectul de sistem al Allianz, Florian Vondal, arată modul în care grupul Allianz îmbunătățește experienta de semnare a contractelor pentru toți participanții la proces – clienți, brokeri și proprii directori – împreuna cu întreaga călătorie a clientului, de la achiziție la contractare…