Contenido exclusivo útil para explorar los temas de innovación digital
Pads de firma
Descubrirás cómo los pads de firma son el complemento perfecto para recoger firmas electrónicas en procesos presenciales. Este recurso es… -
Comunicaciones Certificadas + QERDS
¿Sabías qué un correo electrónico o SMS se puede convertir en Comunicación electrónica Certificada con pleno valor probatorio?Adjunta archivos,… -
Namirial Use case Insights – Waste Management – E-Signature in…
Alexander Marschall, Business Development and Innovations Axians, provides insights on integration of qualified electronic signatures (QES) for… -
Namirial Use case Insights – Use of electronic signature at…
Christoph Trenkwalder from the Trenkwalder Group reports on the introduction of digital signatures from the practical experience of a Europe-wide… -
E-signature project report recording in the omnichannel at Uni Credit…
Project report on electronic signature integration in UniCredit Bank Austria omnichannel customer onboarding processes powered by Namirial solutions… -
Insurance: Digital Signature in Omnichannel at AgeSA
Özgür Armağan, Head of Sales Software Solutions, is providing insights on integration of biometric signatures powered by Namirial in one of… -
Future-Law’s “E-Signature Day”
Future-Law’s “E-Signature Day” is addressing stakeholders in the legal, human resources and sales departments in enterprises and public… -
Applying the current eIDAS toolkit in 2022 – Same same but…
In 2022, the Bitkom eIDAS Summit focused once again on trust services and secure digitization in connection with the eIDAS Regulation. These topics… -
Namirial Use case Insights – HR – Employment contracts at…
Zenjob is one of the pioneers in the digital conclusion of contracts in the field of temporary employment. The end-to-end digitalization of processes… -
Access Webinar Recording Best Practices in Digital Signature in…
Presentation “Best Practices in Digital Signing in Austria – Making E-Signatures User-Friendly and Evidence-Proof” – presented on Future-Law… -
Electronic Signature in HR – It’s finally (even) easier –…
Frederik Fahning is one of the founders and managing directors of Zenjob, one of the pioneers in the digital agreement closure in the field of… -
Namirial Use case Insights – Banking – Electronic Signature at…
Octavian Hera, Head of Marketing and Head of Digital of Libra Internet Bank, illustrates how using electronic signatures, in particular digital…