Namirial Use case Insights – Waste Management – E-Signature in Waste Disposal Documentation at Axians

Alexander Marschall, Business Development and Innovations Axians, provides insights on integration of qualified electronic signatures (QES) for documentation of proper disposal of hazardous waste in accordance with German Waste Disposal Ordinance (NachwV) §12. Electronic Signature creation in Axians eANV portal is based on XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES), compliant with the eIDAS regulations. 

Access the recording of the presentation to learn about:

  • how e-signature is included in the electronic waste record management system (Elektronisches Abfallnachweisverfahren, eANV), a process implemented and under supervision by German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit, BMU).
  • remote electronic signature creation being integrated into the process as an alternative to classic card-based certificate storage.
  • the signature process for an electronic consignment notes (Begleitschein) in the Axians electronic waste record management portal – shown in a quick demo.

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