
SPID on high speed: State of Play on Digital Identity in Italy

(ROME / SENIGALLIA) – January 28, 2021 – Italy is one of the most advanced countries in Europe with regards to the adoption of electronic identities. Namirial is one of the major trust service providers powering the rapid digitization of Italy’s public administration and its private sector. Namirial CEO Max Pellegrini has been invited once more into national TV morning show RAI Unomattina to provide an update on state of play in digital identity in particular discussing Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale (SPID), the Italian system enabling citizens and businesses accessing public administration services online.



Max Pellegrini demonstrated the easy activation of a SPID digital identity. Approximately 17 Million digital identities have been issued under the SPID scheme by the end of January 2021. The adoption significantly accelerated within the last 2 months and is poised for some more rapid growth as the number of services available with SPID is growing fast.

Max was discussing with the two presenters of the morning show that end of January 2021 5700 public authorities were already offering citizens access to their services to citizens via SPID. Starting February 28 all public administration offices in Italy are mandated to enable citizens to access their services using their digital identity

A major driver for SPID adoption are economic stimulus measures on offer in the wake of the pandemic, including the 2020 summer holiday bonus and the 2020 Christmas cashback scheme. To apply for some of these bonus schemes Italian citizens have to use the IO app, designed to enable citizens access to digital services of public administration. This app has been downloaded more than 9 million times by the end of January 2021.

Beyond applying for pandemic crisis relief support SPID is allowing citizens and businesses to access online services of public administrations using a single digital identity, e.g. securely submitting documents to public authorities as a business professional, accessing services for young adults and senior citizens (incl. retirement) as well as applying for training support schemes.

SPID is lifting citizen services to another level, reducing bureaucracy, simplifying communications, transactions and payments with public administrations, unifying citizen data acquisition, enabling data transfer between different organizations with public administration and significantly speeding up processes. SPID is also contributing to sustainability efforts in reducing the need to travel for appointments as well as paper consumption, resulting in savings of CO² emissions as well trees and water required for paper production.

Namirial is accredited by Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) as one of the identity providers for this electronic identity system, issuing and managing “Namirial IDs” – digital identities of natural and legal persons. Italian citizens 18 years and older as well foreigners holding a permanent residence permit and residing in Italy can apply for a “Namirial ID”. Digital identities are being issued and corresponding credentials provided after successful verification of personal data.

Identification for electronic identity provisioning may be executed remote or in physical contact

  • based on electronic certificate for electronic signature – download and sign an application and upload it
  • based on electronic identity on Italian National Identity Card (Carta d’Identità Elettronica, CIE) — by using an NFC enabled smartphone and the CIEiD App
  • based on electronic certificate on Italian Health Card (Tessera Sanitaria, TS) or National Service Card (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi, CNS) – by inserting card into the reader and typing in the PIN
  • based on a video identification process in real time with a Namirial identification specialist
  • face-to-face in Namirial headquarter office in Senigallia with pre-arranged appointment
  • face-to-face in the office of Namirial network of Local Registration Authorities

? Namirial ID based on SPID (in Italian Language)
➡️ Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale (SPID)
➡️ IO app (in Italian Language)
➡️ Agency for Digital Italy (AgID)